Economic Development
The Cherryville Economic Development Commission is an organization that represent a join effort between the City of Cherryville and the Cherryville Chamber of Commerce. The EDC is headed by an Executive Director who coordinate the economic development efforts of the City and the Chamber. The primary functions of the Cherryville Economic Development Commission are:
To serve as the primary contact for development interest considering locating new industrial or commercial facilities in the Cherryville area
To work with City, County, State and Federal officials to leverage resources to attract new industry and commerce to the Cherryville area
To interface with existing industry and commerce to assist in the retention and expansion of these interests in the Cherryville area
To work on behalf of the City to secure grants for land and infrastructure to support new development in the City
To facilitate the development and implementation of a comprehensive economic development strategy for the City
The Cherryville Economic Development Commission is jointly governed by the Cherryville City Council and the Cherryville Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. For more information on the Cherryville EDC activities please contact David Day at the number or email address above.
For additional economic development information on the county or state level, please visit the Gaston County Economic Development Commission the NC Department of Commerce or ElectriCities.
Available Properties
Gardner Webb Property Concept 2023

David Day
Downtown and Economic Development Director

254 Tot Dellinger Road