History of Cherryville, NC
We are Cherryville, North Carolina
We are Cherryville, North Carolina and we are proud of the place we call home.
Originally settled in 1762, our small crossroads town was known as White Pine. The coming of the railroad brought prosperity, and we were ultimately chartered in 1881 as Cherryville. Our new name came not only from the beautiful cherry trees growing along the railroad, but also represented our blossoming into an authentic, small southern town.
While our roots lay in agriculture, we eventually became a textile community with 13 mills located throughout our town. Later, a small trucking company founded here grew into Carolina Freight, one of the largest freight carriers in the Nation.
Most importantly, our heritage lies within the people who founded our community. German and Scotts-Irish immigrants were some of the earliest settlers to Cherryville. Their surnames still are seen on our street signs, schools, and downtown shops. These early residents brought with them a culture that instilled in us the traditional values we carry on today of Faith, Family, Independence and Resilience.
We are a community with abundant assets and intangibles. We have an active downtown with family businesses, wonderful shops, and friendly restaurants. We have a school system that is second to none, and we are intensely proud of our Ironmen. We have a diverse culture with the Truck Museum, Historical Museum, Rail Road Museum and Little Theater. We enjoy fellowship with our neighbors at the Farmers Market, and meet new friends at the Cherry Blossom Festival. We appreciate the goodwill of our people and their hopes and dreams to see Cherryville blossom in this new century.
We Cherish the Cherryville lifestyle this affords . . .
. . . it’s the crack of the bat and the roar of the crowd,
. . . it’s the blue and white pompoms on Friday night,
. . . it’s the friendly face at the soda fountain,
. . . it’s the Lottaburger cooking on the grill,
. . . it’s the guitar pickin’ on the chamber lawn
. . . it’s the small talk at the barber shop,
. . . it’s the boom of the New Year’s Shooters’ muskets, &
. . . It’s the community clock on main square, reminding us of a simpler time. We Cherish this lifestyle and know you will too
Welcome to Cherryville, North Carolina. Where Life Blossoms.