Public Works
The City of Cherryville Public Works Department is responsible for Solid Waste removal, Street Maintenance and repair, Water and Sewer Service, Electrical Service and parks facility maintenance. The city strives to offer efficient and quality service to all customers. The department is divided into divisions: Street, Sanitation, Parks Maintenance, Electric, and Water and Sewer.
Street Division
The Street Division is responsible for maintaining all streets, storm drains in the road right-of-way, street signs, and pot-hole repairs. Please contact city utilities at (704) 435-1700 and give an address, name and type of repair so a work order may be generated. The Street Division also resurfaces several streets each year. A list of streets to be resurfaced is available by calling the Public Works Department at (704) 435-1737.
Kevin Abernathy - Street/Sanitation Superintendent
Phone: 704-435-1731
Email: kabernathy@cityofcherryville.com
Sanitation Division
The Sanitation Division is responsible for the removal of all solid waste for our customers. The Sanitation trucks are on route Monday - Thursday. All white goods will be picked-up on Wednesday. Loose leaf collection is available from October 1 until February 1. If you have curb-side pick-up questions, please contact City Hall at (704) 435-1735.
Electric Division
The Electric Division maintains over fifty miles of electrical primary and over 2500 electrical customers. The city offers after hours emergency service by contacting the Cherryville Police Department at (704) 435-1717.
Ben Stroupe, Electrical Superintendent
Phone: (704) 435-1737
Fax: (704) 435-1736
Email: bstroupe@cityofcherryville.com
Emergency After Hours: (704) 435-1717
Water and Sewer Division
The Water and Sewer Division is responsible for over seventy-five miles of water and sewer lines. The city has over 2400 water and sewer customers. The city offers after hours emergency service by contacting the Cherryville Police Department at (704) 435-1717.
Jason Stone, Water and Sewer Superintendent
Phone: (704) 435-1737
Fax: (704) 435-1736
Email: jstone@cityofcherryville.com