City of Cherryville
116 S. Mountain Street
P h o n e :7 0 4 - 4 3 5 - 1 7 1 1
Fax: (704) 435-9933
On Thursday, June 22, Governor Roy Cooper signed a state disaster declaration for the City of Cherryville in Gaston County that suffered damages from straight-line winds and a supercell thunderstorm on May 16. The declaration makes additional assistance available to the city. “This state disaster declaration will help the people of Cherryville as they recover from strong winds and a thunderstorm,” said Governor Cooper. The Governor’s Order authorizes state-funded disaster assistance in the form of public assistance grants to eligible local governments for debris clearance and emergency protective measures. This disaster declaration expires sixty days after issuance. Following state of emergency declarations from the Mayor and City Council of Cherryville on May 17, local and state emergency management officials conducted a joint preliminary damage assessment and determined that Cherryville has incurred more than $10,000 in disaster-related damages. The City of Cherryville would not qualify for federal assistance based on the preliminary damage assessment.